Thursday, 29 November 2012

Celebrate Christmas with the Mersey Beatles and Support a Great Cause!

Celebrate Christmas with Liverpool's favourite tribute band, The Mersey Beatles, and support a great cause at the same time!

The Peace Centre was built as a living memorial to 12 year old Tim Parry and 3 year old Johnathan Ball who were tragically killed in the 1993 IRA bombing of Warrington.

The vision of Tim's parents Wendy and Colin Parry, was to provide a safe space for people of all ages, regardless of their faith, race, politics, nationality, or any other excuse for injustice and violence, to learn how to live together in peace.

The Foundation for Peace and NSPCC joined forces to raise funds for the £3million Centre which was officially opened by HRH The Duchess of Kent on 20th March 2000...the 7th anniversary of the IRA bomb.

For more information, or to book tickets, visit 
or telephone Wendy on 01925 581231

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