Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Epstein Theatre Presents The Mersey Beatles - April 27

After a SELL OUT concert last November the Mersey Beatles are back by popular demand at Epstein Theatre this spring!
The Mersey Beatles "Get Back To Liverpool" concert includes all your favourite Beatles classics from "Love me do" to "Let it be" via "Beatlemania" and a trip to "Pepperland". It's the show The Beatles never gave and there's no more fitting venue for The Mersey Beatles to perform this theatrical concert than right here at The Epstein Theatre. 

Like the original fab four, The Mersey Beatles are Liverpool lads born and bred. No phoney accents needed, no script required. They react and interact with the audience in the relaxed and natural way of their role models. All the songs are performed 100% live & in the original recorded key.

"There are a lot of Beatles tribute bands from all over the world and I've seen them all, but The Mersey Beatles are the best I've heard". So said John Lennon's sister, Julia Baird, in 2008.

Since then Liverpool's favourite Beatles tribute band have racked up over 350 performances at the Cavern Club alone and have headlined festivals and events the world over. So busy were they with overseas tours that they had to leave their Cavern Club residency in February 2012. After 10 years in the role as the one and only resident Beatles band at the world's most famous club, it was an emotional farewell.

Having sold out concerts & events in Vegas, Sweden, Germany, Malaysia & Barbados, all since leaving The Cavern, the boys announced their "Get Back to Liverpool" concert & promptly sold out the Epstein theatre last November.

Don't miss this magical homecoming evening with The Mersey Beatles in the town where they were born. Get your ticket to ride now!

Entry Price: £13.50

For more information about this event, and to buy tickets, visit

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