Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Tom Donald explains George Martin's arrangements on BBC Newsnight

Our membership secretary has an uncanny ability to run into people with Beatle connections and stories in the most unlikely places such as train stations and piano classes.

Below is her latest find.  Tom Donald, a teacher at the London Contemporary School of Piano, has a video on YouTube in which he explains George Martin's fabulous arrangements to Evan Davis on BBC Newsnight.

Tom says
"To me George Martin was the "mastermind" behind the great success of the Beatles, and I say that with full upmost respect to the raw talent of the Fab Four. Having said that, 'raw talent' is simply not enough. Proper detailed and analytical study of music, combined with a hunger for creativity is the key ingredients for musical greatness. George had his finger on the pulse, he had the vision to look well beyond the songs that Lennon/McCartney and Harrison composed.

When the BBC asked me to talk about George Martin's contribution to the Beatles, I really felt that words could not describe to the general listening public the influence Martin had on the Beatles through his innovations as a producer. So I asked the BBC Newsnight team if they could bring a grand piano onto the set. Because they mainly 'do politics' on Newsnight, this was no easy request, but there has to be a first for everything!"

Check out this school website for free downloadable lessons

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