Saturday, 18 May 2019

Recreate the Abbey Road Cover and participate in this Photography event

The organizers of the 32nd Beatles Day in Mons want your Abbey Road Photographs!

The requirements are easy:

  • Take a photo at any street crossing - it doesn't have to be the actual Abbey Road crossing
  • The photo must have 4 people
  •  You can submit unlimited photos but no montages
  • You may caption the photos if you want 
  •  You retain the rights to your photo 
See additional details below about the exhibition of the photos at the event and after, the prizes and a submission form.

  32nd BEATLES DAY  -  MONS           
Saturday, October 5, 2019


The 32nd edition of BEATLES DAY - MONS will take place on Saturday, October 5, 2019 at LOTTO MONS EXPO. 

Since its creation in 1988, BEATLES DAY has benefited from the support of the City of MONS, among others.  The popularity of BEATLES DAY is well established.  This event is known and recognized internationally.

More than two thousand people participated in all the activities proposed for this 2018 edition.

-        VISIT MONS, Grand Place in MONS
A selection of the photographs will be exhibited in the premises of "VISIT MONS", Grand Place, between 15 September and 3 October 2019 before being transferred to LOTTO MONS EXPO for the BEATLES DAY.
All the photographs will be exhibited as part of the 32nd BEATLES DAY from Thursday 3 October to Saturday 5 October 2019 inclusive.
The authors are asked to entrust us and authorize us to include on the BEATLES DAY website, some selected photographs, without any constraint and with reference to the authors.
Authors will be able to post prices and sell their photographic works during the exhibitions. No commission will be due to the organizers.
The photos remain the property of their authors.
The photos will be free of copyright and will not be used in any way by the organizers.
However, the prints of the photos taken by BEATLES DAY will remain, with the express agreement of their authors, the property of the BEATLES DAY archives.  No use will be made of it without the authorization of the authors.
A jury will select the best shots by category: amateur - professional - associations. The awards will be presented at the BEATLES DAY.
The BEATLES DAY will provide frames in a unique format of 50 cm x 40 cm, picture rails, grids etc.... at the disposal of the photographs.
The photographs will be presented by their authors in a paper format - minimum 25 cm x 35 cm or 40 cm x 30 cm or 30 cm x 30 cm.
The size of the frames is unique at 50 cm x 40 cm.  Black frame - classic - easy to hang.

Printing: either by the authors or by the organisers, in compliance with certain conditions, in particular concerning in particular the formats of the photos and the format and structure of the frames and the deadlines for the transmission of the photos and the submission of the frames.
Original photos must be of good quality to allow for quality prints.
Terms and conditions will follow as soon as the registration deadline is reached.
DELAY OF REGISTRATION, DEPOSIT or receipt of the SEND by email, work:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
BY MAIL SENDING ONLY to the email:
DEPOT in MONS: contact Alain CARDON by phone on 00 32 (0) 472/ 70.68.24 or Bernard MATON on 00 32 (0) 496/ 28.24.91
Address of the non-profit association "BEATLES DAY" : Chaussée de Beaumont, n° 55, 7000 MONS
Please complete the form below and send it back to us by email or to the association's address,
You undertake not to claim any costs whatsoever for the exhibition of your photos, all organisational costs being covered by the BEATLES DAY, except possibly the prints and frames made by you.
Free participation.
A very wide publicity will be organized around this project.
We base this business proposal on mutual trust.
Yours sincerely
Alain CARDON, President of BEATLES DAY,    
00 32. (0)472 / 70.68.24

To be sent by email : or by post to the head office of the ASBL "BEATLES DAY", 55, Chaussée de Beaumont at 7000 MONS (Belgium)
I, the undersigned                                                                      NAME__________________________FIRST NAME_______________________
wishes to participate and propose PHOTOS on the main theme "Pedestrian crossing" as part of the 32nd BEATLES DAY in MONS. 
I am in the category  : amateur / professional
(Re)introducing the association :______________________________________                          
Member of a photo club   :   YES / NO   which one _________________________________________________________________
Number of photos proposed (with format): _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________    The undersigned participant  
- covers the printing costs of my photos YES / NO
- takes care of the supervision of my work YES / NO
- lets the organizers take care of the printing of my photos sent YES / NO
- leaves it to the organizers to frame my work (sent or submitted) YES / NO (delete unnecessary mentions)
DELAY OF REGISTRATION, DEPOSIT or receipt of the SEND by email, of the works   :    Tuesday, August 20, 2019. 
 PARTICIPANT's contact details :
Address : ________________________________________________________
_________________mail:_________________________gsm :______________     
I accept the conditions of participation of which I have become aware.
                                                                                                  Date and Signature,

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