Saturday, 18 July 2020

Opportunity for Artists and Animators

Call out to artists and animators to submit works for Here There & Everywhere, The Beatles fan film

As some of you may know there has been a huge social project going on over the past 4 years culminating in a documentary called Here There & Everywhere, which is the ultimate love letter from Beatles fans to the band. Directed by Simon Weitzman and edited by fellow fan, Andy Lee, the Fan Film project will finally be released in 2021.

However, this is a call to arms from the makers of the film to all artists and animators in The Beatles fan family. They want you to get in touch with them to submit your artwork of the FAB4, both as a band and individually throughout their careers to be included in the film. All used submissions will be credited.

They are also looking for animator fans who want to showcase their work and submit anything from 5 to 15 seconds of animation, again to be credited and used in the final film. With individual artworks they need to be submitted at high resolution via to and Simon will acknowledge receipt. The production will be working with The British Beatles Fan Club to work with artists on specific briefs via updates. Submissions can start now and will be accepted until the end of November 2020.

Fans can learn more about the film at and through regular updates here, so keep a look out.

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