Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Liverpool Entertains -- IPO and the Mersey Beatles

This week, Liverpool will once again live up to the label, frequently quoted by Paul McCartney, as the centre of the creative universe.

Today, the International Pop Overthrow Festival begins -- a week of fabulous live music in iconic venues such as the Cavern Club and Eric's.

As the IPO website explains: The purpose of International Pop Overthrow is two-fold: one aim is to give every worthy band who’d like to play their music in a festival atmosphere the chance to do so, and the other is to bring pop music the attention it so richly deserves. We have made great strides to that end, garnering press in several noteworthy papers in each city in which we hold the festival, and creating a very positive buzz about pop music within the inner circles of major labels. We’re looking forward to the very real possibility that a number of bands who have played IPO will grab the brass ring and receive major label deals.

For full details on the schedule for this year's IPO Liverpool, click here

But Liverpool has not forgotten about its Beatles fans this weekend.  While the Cavern is buzzing to the sounds of the best in current pop, Liverpool's own Fab Four, the Mersey Beatles will perform at the Picket with a two-hour show covering the full Beatles catalogue.  Tickets are available at the Beatles Shop, Mathew Street, or contact the Mersey Beatles by clicking here to reserve your ticket now!

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