Thursday, 14 March 2013

Memories of the Jac -- Can You Help?

For one night only, the spirit of The Jac is back

The Jacaranda: Beyond the Music will be coming to Liverpool in April

Two final year Music Journalism students from the University of Huddersfield have decided to celebrate The Jacaranda’s rich history. The iconic music venue was opened in 1958 by Allan Williams serving the function of a coffee bar. It unexpectedly closed in November 2011 to the dismay of many who classed the Jac as their regular haunt.  

“We’re delighted to be working on this,” says Chynna Sampson, one of the event organisers.  “We’re both passionate about music and this felt like something quite natural to do as we’ve both spent a lot of time in Liverpool, so it’s a venue we’re interested in learning more about.”

Chynna Sampson and Natalie Longworth, decided to do this for their practical project which forms part of their Music Journalism degree. Do you have any memories of The Jacaranda that you’d like to share? Chynna and Natalie urge those who visited The Jac and have a story to tell to contribute to their exhibition.  If you’re willing to speak about your experiences please come forward and interact via email, Twitter or by posting on The Jacaranda: Beyond the Music’s Facebook wall.

Natalie Longworth said: “We’re looking to get as many people as possible involved. If you have any images, stories or memorabilia that you’d like to share with us, then we want to hear from you.”

For more information, or to share your memories visit the project's Facebook page at Twitter page at:  
  or email

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