Tuesday, 12 March 2013

New Book: All Together Now!


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ISBN: 9781780884400
ISBN (eBook): 9781780886800


All Together Now is the culmination of a 20 year quest by journalist, David Rowley, to find out just what made the Beatles tick. It contains many dazzling revelations about the Beatles music, and is the ultimate ABC of the Beatles songs and albums.

During his research for All Together Now, David unearthed new evidence on songs such as'Yesterday', 'Strawberry Fields Forever', 'Eleanor Rigby', 'Here Comes The Sun' and many other tracks that will change your perceptions of the Fab Four forever.

'Listed alphabetically each song is explained from the perspective of how the lyrics were shaped - from external events to the weather, the studio arguments during its creation,'explains David, who also examines the borrowed chord progressions and how every bolder and more brilliant single release was inspired by John and Paul's anxiety at being outshone by each other.

David has long been fascinated by the Beatles. 'I was born the same week that their second album came out and have written extensively upon the band and their music,' he says. 'ln All Together Now I reveal the tracks where Lennon/McCartney should be credited as McCartney/Lennon and where George Harrison and even Ringo Starr were denied a credit.' David's book also touches upon how Beatles changed the lyrics to suit their style and answers numerous other questions, such as discussing which track had more studio time spent on it than the first two Beatles'albums combined, what song had the longest chord progression and which two Beatles never recorded a note of music on their birthdays...

How freak weather conditions inspired the Beatles' most popular song*

The weather in the spring of 1969 was one of great extremes.  Met Office records for the London region show that February and March as bitterly cold.  March was particularly miserable having only 55 hours of sunshine - about 1 hour and 45 minutes a day for the whole month.  This was a record low for sunlight hours from 1959 (when Met Office records for the region begin) to 1984 for the month of March.

April that year also set a record that stood until 1984 - a full 189 hours of sunshine giving over six hours of sunshine a day - a record amount of sunshine in April.  It was also the sunniest Easter break on record to this day.

The Beatles' 'Here Comes the Sun' was written in April 1969.  The exact day has not been pinpointed but George Harrison recalled writing it on one of the first sunny warm days after this long winter spell.

The following is an extract from All Together Now about the track 'Here Comes the Sun':

*The most popular Beatles song on iTunes, it is also the most popular Beatles song on YouTube.

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