Saturday, 1 March 2014

Announcing the new My BBFC Android App

The BBFC now has a great new way for our members who have android devices to keep in touch and up-to-date on What's On in the world of all things Beatles!

This is the Beta version of the app and we will be making it even better over time but this first version still has a lot to offer.

 The Current Features

  • The What's On button will display the same list of events that can be found on our website.  This list is updated daily and currently lists nearly 200 events for 2014 from all over the world.
  • The Random Trivia Game button will display a random and challenging trivia question.  Once you've had time to think of your answer, you can click the check answer button to see if you got it right.
  • The My BBFC Gallery button will take you to the gallery page.  On this page you can tap the image displayed to go directly to our new Flikr gallery to see photos of our members having Beatle-fun, or better yet, use the upload button to take and upload a photo of yourself having Beatle-fun and email it to us so it can be added to the gallery.
  • The Go to the BBFC Website button will take you directly to the mobile version of our our website so you can read the latest news, click on the events in What's On to find out more details, shop in the shop and more.
We are excited to be able to offer this new feature completely free of charge and if you have ideas of features you'd like to see in the future, please email them to us.  And if your device isn't an android, we are sorry that it won't work on other devices.

Watch a demo here!

Get the My BBFC app

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