Saturday 21 February 2015

Ron and Eddie on the Roof of Apple

The BBFC often receives books to review in our magazine.  Sometimes books cross our desk that don't meet the criteria to be included in the magazine but they are great books all the same.  This is one of those books.

In the beginning it appears the book will be just a string of random questions and answers, but as the main character, Eddie, pens his replies to these random questions, the story of his life and adventures are revealed until by the end you really know him and feel for him.

The adventures that are shared are all true and all take place in the 1960's and early 70's and two of the stories involve the Beatles.  You might recognize yourself in these two stories as they involve  a bunch of lads who managed to sneak their way onto the Apple roof twice.  The tales are dramatic, funny and a interesting and I wanted to find a way to share those stories with our members. 

The author has graciously extracted the Beatles related stories along with photos from his adventures to share with our readers.  Click here to read the extract.

The full book is available on  or Kobo if anyone is interested in reading all the other non Beatles adventures. 

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