Thursday, 23 March 2017

Not to be missed! The Analogues are Coming to London May 22

The Analogues are an amazing group of musicians who pick up where The Beatles left off after their last show on August 29th 1966 and became a studio band for the rest of their career together.

On May 22nd The Analogues will perform Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band live and in its entirety at The Indigo O2, fifty years after this most famous Beatles album was originally released.

This will be their first show in London after 47 sell out dates in The Netherlands and Belgium to ecstatic audiences. 

The band have a passionate commitment to authentically reproducing live, music only previously heard in the confines of Studio 2 at Abbey Road Studios.

Playing a unique collection of vintage instruments from the period with full string and horn sections means the audience will hear a note perfect reproduction of this most iconic album for the first time.

Geoff Emerick, who was the Sound Engineer on all the studio albums at Abbey Road from 1966 - 1970 and worked closely with The Beatles as they created Sergeant Pepper is a huge fan of The Analogues and commented on hearing them for the first time, "Listening to the Analogues, I have never heard anything come so close to the original records."

The Analogues are not a cover band or Beatles tribute with wigs and costumes but an exceptionally talented group of Beatles' loving musicians reverentially recreating a note perfect performance of The Beatles studio albums never heard live...until now.

As Geoff Emerick said on hearing them perform, "they get these records absolutely perfect. If you close your eyes you would really be listening to the original recordings sounding the way they are supposed to sound for the first time. Even The Beatles couldn't reproduce Sergeant Pepper live".



  1. They are absolutely fabulous, I have seen this show and it is amazing. After their show of The magical mistery show I could not think they will do Sgt Pepper also.But they do, be sure to be there. Pim Geurts, the Netherlands

  2. Don´t miss them; they are great!

  3. Hard to believe that anyone could succeed in doing this. It's like : 'c'mon, are you kidding, the Beatles studio-albums live ? Dutch guys ? Yeah, they do it, trust me, bringing like 30 vintage guitars and basses (changed for every new song), a pile of vintage amps (mostly various VOX-types), a couple of 60's organs, a mellotron, a Ringo-Ludwig-kit, every little detail-extra, a horn- and a string section, a girl with a giant harp and 2 tablas & a tabla-specialist (guess what songs), and then the orchestra for A Day In The Life was re-recorded in Abbey Road, just for this tour. OK, but most important: you won't believe the vocals, kind of scary, really, so close. The research and purchase of the instruments must have cost months, filling 2 large trucks, the rehearsals : don't think about it. Not a cover-band : musical archeology and hi-end live-reproduction of the highest possible level ! OK, sorry they come from Holland : hey, this you don't want to miss, it was such an experience to me (ex-musician, sound-engineer and record-producer) ! Loved every second of it. Go see them, chance of a lifetime !
