Monday, 7 November 2011

Elvis and Us: Fabulous Elvis Merchandise Available!

Elvis jumpsuits and a replica of the '68 Comeback Special black leather outfit are now on sale in Liverpool.

The Beatles Story in Liverpool is hosting the world's first exhibition exploring the influence of Elvis Presley over The Fab Four and visitors to Elvis and Us can now buy truly amazing official Elvis Presley merchandise previously only available at Graceland in Memphis.

Located within the Fab4Store at Pier Head, the official Elvis Presley Enterprises merchandise ranges from pocket money keepsakes right through to items of clothing aimed at the serious Elvis aficionado. Prices range from £3.50 for a pen or nail file to £2,500 for the white Aloha from Hawaii jumpsuit, belt and cape!

Amongst the many items on display is a large range of fantastic t-shirt designs - from Jailhouse Rock right through to stunning Elvis logos designs made with Swarovski crystals. For fans looking for items of jewellery there is a selection that ranges from earrings, sunglasses, watches and bracelets to that most iconic of items -- the Taking Care of Business (TCB) logo necklace.

Perhaps the most striking items for sale to Elvis fans visiting the Liverpool store is the selection of replica Elvis suits. Whether you're after a '68 Comeback Special or an Aloha from Hawaii fan we've got the outfit for you - be it a replica leather suit or a powder blue jumpsuit complete with cape and belt!

And remember outside of Graceland, The Beatles Story is the only shop on Earth where you can find these amazing items.

For more information on Elvis and Us, click here  to visit the Events Page, or go to

To read the BBFC's review of this fabulous exhibition, click here

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