Thursday, 26 September 2013

New White Feather Foundation Charity Auction

The White Feather Foundation Newsletter Logo
Jenson Button Signed Shirt & Cap
This year, we are raising money to help people who are dying from lack of clean water and sanitation.
This natural resource that is essential for life is in appallingly short supply. Nearly 5000 people, mainly children, die each day from preventable water-born diseases. Almost 1.2 billion people lack clean water, and this is increasing. We already have projects amounting to almost €700,000 helping 1000’s and 1000’s of people, for which we need your help.
It's a small charity, with a big heart and we try to select the right causes for the right reasons. It doesn't matter which project needs help, where they come from or what they've had in the past, it's about helping make one more thing right.
Yours Sincerely,
Julian Lennon Signature

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