Monday, 28 October 2013


Here's another chance for Beatle Fans to visit the baths where both John and Paul went swimming as children!

On 9th November 2013, Woolton Village will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of Much Woolton UDC, and Little Woolton UDC being incorporated into the City of Liverpool on 9th November 1913, from the County of Lancashire.

The local community have arranged for a bronze celebratory plaque to be fixed in the village at the HSBC bank Allerton Road, Woolton, which will be unveiled by the Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Liverpool Councillor Gary Millar at approximately 12.10 pm.

The plaque designer, local architect Mr Tony Griffiths will present a smaller copy of the full size plaque to the Lord Mayor ‘ From the people of Woolton to the City of Liverpool ‘ . The smaller plaque will be permanently displayed at a later date in Liverpool Town Hall.

The Lord Mayor will tour the village centre calling at a number of locations to meet members of the business and residential community. These locations will include Sainsburys at Woolton Street, St James Church Hall Church Road South, who will provide refreshments, a Craft Fayre from 12 noon to 2.00pm with the Church building open to visitors.

The former Mechanics Institute St Mary Street, Woolton Baths visitor centre will provide schools artwork, historical / heritage presentations, Beatles information, and refreshments.  The Baths, where both John and Paul went swimming as children, is still be renovated but this is a great chance to visit the building (open from 12.30pm to 3pm).

The Woolton Society will provide a Heritage walk setting out from the Simon Peter Centre, Church Road, at 1.30pm. To book a place please contact  Woolton Village Residents Association  as below.

The Friends of Gateacre will be holding their annual fundraising QUIZ NIGHT on Friday, 8th November 2013 (Doors open 7.00 pm; Quiz begins 7.30 pm) at The Gateacre Institute Grange Lane (opposite shopping parade) Raffle and Buffet Supper.  Payment on the door – £5.00 per person

Enquiries and further information from the event organisers, Woolton Village Residents Association, c/o Secretary Jane Eustance on 0151 428 8128, or e mail

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